Accuracy of Bible

Accuracy of Bible, Bible lessons, Evangelism

Seeking after the lost: A study on Jesus’ reaching out to the Samaritan woman at the well (Part 1)

Prejudices and biases are common among men. These evils can creep into individuals or even congregations. But followers of Jesus should seek a pure heart with a genuine burden for the lost. For that, we need the Holy Spirit to work in us, revealing to us our ungodly attitudes and rooting out impure motions and motives.

Accuracy of Bible, Apologetics, Bible lessons

Is the trinity of God in the Bible?

The Bible, God’s Holy Word, makes it absolutely clear that Jesus is One persona of the One triune God: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Regrettably, however, because the word “Trinity” isn’t in the Bible, there are those resist and reject God’s revelation of His One triune being. Rather than forming a doctrine over what isn’t in the Bible, shouldn’t we rather form our foundational beliefs on what IS in the Bible?