In the early Church, the believers’ love for one another, and for others, was so authentic and so obvious that even those outside the Church took notice and were amazed by the loving-kindness of first and second-century Christians.
Is the trinity of God in the Bible?
The Bible, God’s Holy Word, makes it absolutely clear that Jesus is One persona of the One triune God: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Regrettably, however, because the word “Trinity” isn’t in the Bible, there are those resist and reject God’s revelation of His One triune being. Rather than forming a doctrine over what isn’t in the Bible, shouldn’t we rather form our foundational beliefs on what IS in the Bible?
Jesus – the Messiah foreshadowed in traditional Passover prayer
Matthew records that Jesus “took the bread and gave thanks” at the last supper (Matt. 26:26). To a gentile reader, this probably wouldn’t suggest any particular words that Jesus spoke. But to a Jew who is familiar with the Seder blessings it would imply Jesus speaking a specific Passover prayer of thanksgiving.
Belief in the biblical account of a literal six days of creation is spiritually important.
It’s a dangerous snare to question a literal six days of creation. If you discount God’s Word in Genesis, you’ll be prone to question anything else written in the Bible. Further, is it harder to believe in a six day creation, than in the resurrection from the dead when we’ll all be “changed in the twinkling of an eye?”
Is Jesus the Messiah? Examine the evidence.
Is Jesus the Messiah? Examine the evidence for yourself. Search the Scriptures. Review the historical records. The works of Jesus Christ are substantial and convincing. This study from Luke 7:18-23 shows how Jesus proved himself to John the Baptist.